STM 50 PLUS Fellowship & Special Speaker

Join the STM 50 PLUS group for fellowship and an inspiring presentation by Sarah Ross, Program Director of Compeer of Johnson County

 Date: Friday, February 7, 2025
 Time: Approximately 9:45 AM (after Mass)
 Location: Hills Bank, Forevergreen Rd, North Liberty (Community Room, 2nd Floor – Elevator to the left, stairs to the right)

Sarah will share how Compeer supports adults seeking social connection. Their mission is simple yet powerful: “Mental Wellness starts with Friendship.” Compeer builds supportive friendships between trained volunteers and individuals receiving mental health treatment, reducing social isolation and promoting community engagement. 

 Learn more: compeerjohnsoncountyiowa.org

This event is open to all parishioners! Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and learn how we can support mental wellness in our community.

#STM50Plus #Fellowship #CompeerJohnsonCounty #MentalWellness #CommunityEngagement

Save the date and spread the word! Post will be removed after February 7.