Church and Family Life

Church and Family Life Chairperson:  Judy Frits  jfrits@yahoo.com

Building a stronger parish through food, fellowship and fun.

We plan activities througout the year to develop a sense of community within the parish.  Please consider joining this Commission to help us fulfill our mission.  

Church Life/Family Life meets the third Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM at St. Thomas More.  All activities are open to anyone to attend or volunteer.

Church Life/Family Life activities:

  • Coffee & Donuts—Provided after the 8:30 & 11:00 AM Sunday masses.  Volunteers are always needed to be hosts.
  • Euchre/Game Night—Occurs approximately four times/year.  Held after Saturday 5:15 pm mass in lower level with potluck meal followed by cards/games.  Fee to play euchre is $2.50 a person.  No fee for games.
  • 50+ Fellowship Group—a "young" group formed in the spring/smmer of 2021 in response to parishioner interest.  There is fellowship through conversation and activities as identified by group members.
  • Needle Arts Ministry—Meets Saturdays interminttently throughout the year from 3:30-5:00 pm.  They provide "Prayer Shawls" given to recipients of the Anointing of the Sick sacrament.
  • Funeral Luncheons—Assists families with planning, providing food and serving a meal after a funeral service.
  • Ash Wednesday Soup Supper—Begin the Lenten season by preparing warm soups and breads on Ash Wednesday morning and serving after Mass to fellow parishioners & families, friends & visitors.
  • Christmas Caroling at Lantern Park Specialty Care—Visit and share songs during December with residents.
  • May Baskets at Lantern Park Specialty Care—Create and deliver May Day gift baskets for the residents around May 1st.
  • Special Receptions—New Parishoner Meal, Farewell Receptions & more as needed.  Needs are requested via email and Sign Up Genius.
  • Young Adult Ministry—An opportunity for Adults 21-40 gathering to focus on Social, Service and Spiritual activities.
  • Special Receptions—New Parishioner Meal, Easter Vigil Reception, Farewell Receptions and more as needed. Needs are requested via email and Sign-Up Genius.
  • Parish Photo Directory—A resource in getting to know our parish community. Volunteers will be needed to help with scheduling and check-in at photo sessions 



    A Taste of St. Thomas More: Potluck Picnic! 

    Join us Sunday, September 29 after the 11 am Mass for a special Potluck Picnic—a celebration of the rich diversity and culture in our St. Thomas More community!

    Sponsored by STM Church Life/Family Life Commission 

    SHARE YOUR CULTURE / HERITAGE WITH US by bringing your favorite dish to share.  Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy the outdoors.  Table service and beverages will be provided.

    Let’s gather together for a day of food, fellowship, and fun! All are welcome—come celebrate our parish family!

    Questions? Contact Judy Frits at jfrits@yahoo.com or call/text 319-430-6858.

    See you there!