Church and Family Life

Church and Family Life Chairperson:  Judy Frits  jfrits@yahoo.com

Building a stronger parish through food, fellowship and fun.

We plan activities througout the year to develop a sense of community within the parish.  Please consider joining this Commission to help us fulfill our mission.  

Church Life/Family Life meets the third Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM at St. Thomas More.  All activities are open to anyone to attend or volunteer.

Church Life/Family Life activities:

  • Coffee & Donuts—Provided after the 8:30 & 11:00 AM Sunday masses.  Volunteers are always needed to be hosts.
  • Euchre/Game Night—Occurs approximately four times/year.  Held after Saturday 5:15 pm mass in lower level with potluck meal followed by cards/games.  Fee to play euchre is $2.50 a person.  No fee for games.
  • 50+ Fellowship Group—a "young" group formed in the spring/smmer of 2021 in response to parishioner interest.  There is fellowship through conversation and activities as identified by group members.
  • Needle Arts Ministry—Meets Saturdays interminttently throughout the year from 3:30-5:00 pm.  They provide "Prayer Shawls" given to recipients of the Anointing of the Sick sacrament.
  • Funeral Luncheons—Assists families with planning, providing food and serving a meal after a funeral service.
  • Ash Wednesday Soup Supper—Begin the Lenten season by preparing warm soups and breads on Ash Wednesday morning and serving after Mass to fellow parishioners & families, friends & visitors.
  • Christmas Caroling at Lantern Park Specialty Care—Visit and share songs during December with residents.
  • May Baskets at Lantern Park Specialty Care—Create and deliver May Day gift baskets for the residents around May 1st.
  • Special Receptions—New Parishoner Meal, Farewell Receptions & more as needed.  Needs are requested via email and Sign Up Genius.
  • Young Adult Ministry—An opportunity for Adults 21-40 gathering to focus on Social, Service and Spiritual activities.
  • Special Receptions—New Parishioner Meal, Easter Vigil Reception, Farewell Receptions and more as needed. Needs are requested via email and Sign-Up Genius.
  • Parish Photo Directory—A resource in getting to know our parish community. Volunteers will be needed to help with scheduling and check-in at photo sessions