Ministry Schedule

Click here to view the current Ministry Schedule & Ministry Responsibilities. The schedule is accurate from the date it was published. 

For a current, up-to-date schedule, log in to the "Web Terminal" with your Username and Password using this link: MSP Web Terminal
For information and help on how to use this system, please watch this short video or refer to this printable guide
Or you can  access the MSP mobile app if you have an iOS or Android device. Use the following Organization ID to sign in: stmparishfamily
A short video on how to use the MSP mobile app is also available here.

Sacristan Checklist

Acolyte Training Guidebook

A huge thank you to all who answer the call to serve others in our liturgical ministries! Each of you brings your own special talents whether it be Lectors, Communion Ministers, Ushers, Acolytes, Children's Liturgy of the Word, or Music Ministers.....we appreciate you and couldn't be the vibrant community we strive to be without you!