Growing MORE in Faith Campaign

STM Construction Project Progress Video - Summer of 2024

September 2024 GMIF Project UPDATE!

Labor Day unofficially marks the end of summer, so we thought this would be a good time to send out an update to our parish members on the progress of the construction of our new worship space, upstairs renovations, and new lower level. It is an exciting time and we have lots of good news to report. With this letter, I will address some of the questions that have directed my way.  

Before I dive into the questions, however, let me thank you in advance for your patience as we will be putting up with a lot of inconveniences along the way to that great day of dedication for our new church. The first inconvenience is the fact that currently our lower level is restricted to a capacity of only 50 individuals. In the coming months, once the new addition is enclosed and an extra emergency exit is approved by the Coralville city inspector, we hope to allow larger groups into the lower level. 

Now for the questions:

1)     When will the project be complete?
This is the question I have been asked the most. At this point we are anticipating an August or early September 2025 dedication ceremony. With great anticipation we look forward to that day when soon to be ordained bishop, The Most Rev. Dennis Walsh, will preside at our dedication mass.

2)    What happens to our Religious Education program in the meantime?
Our religious education program will continue just as it has in the past on Sunday between masses; Monday at 6:30 p.m. and on Wednesdays at 4:30 and 7:00 p.m. As we start RE classes this week, however, we will be utilizing space in the multipurpose room and in a couple staff offices until we have clearance to have more than 50 persons on the lower level. We are confident this will allow our program to operate without interruption in our schedule.

3)    The Sacrament of Confirmation Mass is usually in February, why is it in December this year?
Our contractor, Merit Construction, has asked that the current church be vacated in early January so that the wall between the new addition and the current church can be taken down and construction progress into the upper level. In order for the Sacrament of Confirmation Mass to be held in the Church, we have made arrangements with the Bishop’s Office for it to be scheduled on Sunday December 8. For this reason, confirmation students have already begun to meet in order to fully prepare in time. (By the way, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, normally on 12/8 is transferred to Monday 12/9 this year).

4)    Where will mass be held after January 1?  
Our plan is to hold mass on the lower level during the second phase of construction---the first-floor work. This of course, is contingent upon the approval of the emergency exit by the City of Coralville, so we can’t announce this as a definite solution for the 8 or 9 months that we will be out of our current church, but we want to do everything we can to keep our parish family together during construction. Since the lower level doesn’t have the capacity of the church It may mean adding a mass or two utilizing the help of some of our retired priests, but stay tuned.

5)    Can my commission/group use the church during the second phase of construction?
Please realize that we will do the best we can to accommodate all our parish groups. We will have to pass on dinners, fish fries, and funeral luncheons during the months we are using the Lower Level for mass. Groups will likely be able to use classrooms during the evening hours when religious education is not in session. However daytime meetings will be limited so as not to interrupt construction progress. Please understand this is temporary and our new space will be well worth the wait and inconvenience.

6)    Can I watch the progress of the construction? 
Yes, drone photos taken by a parish member and other photos of the construction progress are being posted to our website and Facebook page from time to time. Also, you are welcome to go to the area behind the altar and view the progress before and after mass until the current church becomes off limits to us.  But for your own safety and so that progress on the construction is not hampered, PLEASE DO NOT walk onto the construction site. Since we will use the outdoors for a number of events in the coming months, we would ask that everyone be alert to their children so they do not wander into the construction site. Please, let’s keep everyone safe as we move forward.

7)    Is our parish still growing?
Yes. This summer our parish registration surpassed 1,700 households. We are a vibrant parish. And it is clear that our campaign is correctly named, we are also Growing MORE in Faith.  I thank you all for that. We have so much to look forward to in the months ahead.

8)    Is there more I can do to help?
First, please pray that construction continues to progress well. Seeking the intercession of St. Joseph the Carpenter, pray for good construction weather, for safety for all the workers, and for a successful and timely completion.

Secondly, the generous financial support you, our parishioners have given is an incredible testimony to your faith. We are relying on the fulfillment of pledges. Also, for those who still haven’t contributed, we will keep the Growing MORE in Faith campaign active as a means of building up funds for furnishings, landscaping finishes, and for the continual upkeep of our building.

I hope all this information is helpful to you and brings everyone up-to-date. You are important to us. We continue to be amazed at the goodness of our parish members. Thank you for all the prayer and support you give me and each other.

In gratitude,
Fr. Chuck Adam


June 2024 GMIF Campaign UPDATE!

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Exciting Update! 

We are thrilled to share that thanks to the overwhelming generosity of our community, we have reached an amazing milestone - we are now at $11.8 million in pledges! This means we are just $200,000 away from reaching our $12 million construction goal.

Your incredible support has brought us so close to our target, and we can almost taste the victory of completing the construction of the lower level. This upgrade will enhance our space for faith formation, youth ministry, music ministry, and social functions, making a lasting impact on our parish community.

With just $200,000 left to go, we are almost there but we need your help to cross the finish line. Every donation counts, no matter the size. If you haven't pledged yet, now is the perfect time to prayerfully consider making a contribution.

Pledge cards are available:

  • Next to the TV in the Gathering Space.

  • Online pledge card button below.

  • In the parish office.

Together, with your continued generosity and support, we can make this vision a reality! Let's rally together and achieve our goal of $12 million, ensuring our parish continues to grow in faith and service.

Thank you for being a crucial part of our success.

Exciting times ahead! 

Fr. Chuck Adam