Announcements for August 13th & 14th


-Don't forget to register your K-8th grade child for RE classes. Instructions and a calendar are available in the gathering space. Registration deadline is Aug. 31. Classes start Sept. 11, 12 &14.

-We still have a need for catechists in in K-8 religious education program. We are especially in need of teachers on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. Please contact Director of Religious Ed, Shannon Duffy, in the parish office.

-Parish pictorial directories are finally here. If you had a portrait taken last August/September or December you may pick up your free directory after masses this weekend in the gathering space.  If you did not have a portrait taken but would like a directory or need an extra one, it can be purchased for $10.  Thank you for all your patience and understanding.

-Thank you to all who have signed up to participate in our Dance More-A-Thon fundraiser event on October 8th. You still have plenty of time to register as dance team members or sign up as auction helpers and business sponsors. Please stop by the Marian Grotto outside near the church doors for more information.

-Next weekend, Fair Trade will have extra items for sale after mass.

-Don’t forget the Parish Picnic which will be held Sunday August 28 starting at 12noon on the Lower Level and on the patio. Please visit the parish website to RSVP or call the parish office so we can let our caterer know how many people to expect.

-Now, please stand and greet those who are around you as we prepare to celebrate this mass together.


