Announcements for August 7th, 2022

-We are resuming the opportunity to receive both the Body and the Blood of Christ at mass starting this weekend. A cup will be on both sides of the altar in between the two communion lines. If you wish to receive from the cup, approach the minister; respond Amen to the minister’s proclamation, “The Blood of Christ;” carefully take the cup, drink from it, and hand it back to the minister who will wipe the chalice and turn the cup for the next person.

-Don't forget to register your K-8th grade child for RE classes. Instructions and a calendar are available in the gathering space. Registration deadline is Aug. 31. Classes start Sept. 11, 12 &14.

-Is God calling you to teach in our K-8 religious education program?  We still have some catechist spots available, mainly on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. Please contact Director of Religious Ed, Shannon Duffy, in the parish office.

-Catholic Daughters will be selling mums again this year.  Order information is available in the bulletin.  All mums are pre-ordered and can be picked up in September.  Please support the Catholic Daughters in their fundraising efforts.