COVID Update from Bishop Zinkula

New COVID Protocols from the Diocese of Davenport (8/11/21)

Bishop Zinkula has issued new protocols for parishes in the Diocese of Davenport due to the current surge in COVID-19 infections, driven by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 as well as by the still significant portion of the population who are not vaccinated.

At all public indoor gatherings, the diocese asks that masks be worn by everyone (over the age of 2) at any indoor gathering or public space, including the liturgy.

Congregational singing is temporarily suspended. All Eucharistic ministers at mass are asked to wear masks. In smaller groups, if everyone attending has been vaccinated, masks may be omitted. 

We will not remove or mark off chairs in our worship space, but we ask that you please respect each other and do the best you can to social distance as you are seated in church by leaving a seat between family groups or single individuals. 

The current diocesan policy allows upcoming church events like euchre night, the KC Blood drive/pancake breakfast, and our parish picnic if individuals wear masks when not eating. Outdoor eating options also make these events more safe. We will continue to move forward with plans for religious education classes and Fall Bible studies with wearing of masks. 

As Bishop Zinkula states, we hope that these changes will be short-lived. Please exercises caution and if you are not vaccinated and eligible to be vaccinated, we encourage you to do so in order to stop the spread of the virus and to end the development of new variants. Please. If for no other reason, do so for children who are not eligible for vaccination.