New Parish App

Make sure to download our new free Parish App on your iphone or android! Go to your phone's "app" store and type in "parish app" to search for it on your phone. Select "WeConnect Parish App". Choose "get" then "open". Once you open the app, choose "St. Thomas More Church" as your home parish. To receive messages, select "MORE" on the bottom right of your screen, and then "MESSAGE SETTINGS" to join some of our groups, such as Religious Ed, Music Ministry, Severe Weather, etc to keep updated.


You can also:

text ParishApp1 to 555888 on your iphone

text ParishApp2 to 555888 on your android

This will send you a link to the app store on your phone.


We'll also be glad to assist you with the Parish App download after any Mass.

Once you're all set, be sure to check your messages on the bottom of your phone's screen on the app for a message from Fr. Chuck!